Why do they call forum? No idea but we decided to Ah Yat Abalone Forum Restaurant for Dim Sum instead of Abalone lunch. Hehe we are poor :P
These are abalone. We only feast with our eyes.

Shark fin I hate. Try not to eat them. Sharks prey on weak dying fish. If we kept eating the shark, the ecosystem will go out of balance.

Bird nest and sea cucumber.

Finally the food has arrive. First dish, unknown. Haha
Lo Hon Chai
Che Cheong Fun
Che Cheung Fun again with Chinese Crullers. Soft outside, crunchy inside.
Prawn dumpling. Guess what is inside?
My favourite, siew mai!
Also my favourite - Lo Mai Kai
Siew Long Pao - dumpling with soup inside :D
Peking Duck!
Duck meat chopped and cook with veges.
Breakfast there was really a rush. The moment I take one photo, half the dishes are gone. I've to multi-tasks. One hand holding chop stick, the other holding the camera, shoulder clinging to the phone (on call support for my office) and mouth eating at the same time.
Should you go? Seriously the food is normal only. Go only if are staying nearby PJ, else you may go Hei Lon Ton which I find it much better.